Monday, October 21, 2013

A Desire for Change, Reiki and Transformation

We are comfortable with familiar settings, familiar people, familiar patterns and even familiar discomfort.  We can remain in this familiarity for an indefinite lifetime if we are not in awareness that there is more to our life purpose here, than simply to indulge in ego centered activities and mindless mundane day to day things we do.

It takes only a moment of awareness, a moment of being present to a deep breath that connects me to spirit and in that moment that my spirit is awakened or felt.  I can come out of the chatter in my head of all things that need to be done today and that I didn't finish yesterday simply by taking in the breath and releasing it slowly out through my mouth.  Doing this more and more on a daily basis, eventually woke me up to the realization that I was losing myself one more time sitting at a desk in front of a computer accumulating hours in exchange for dollars at the end of the week.  Scrambling every weekend to find my true self once again only to have to let it all go on Monday morning as I headed back to the office again.

Once spirit is awakened it will nudge you in the right direction though.  If you are present to the moments when the Universe places people, messages and opportunities right in front of you then and only then can you "SEE" your path unfolding.  Even then, it takes great courage to make the necessary changes to pursue that inner knowing that your life purpose does not revolve around the current circumstances in which you find yourself.  Courage is not the absence of fear, it is acknowledging that fear is there and taking a step forward in spite of it.  In doing so, you have just taken a step into faith.

So here I am after praying for courage, after connecting to spirit through breath in meditation, sitting still long enough to feel my inner self and inner guidance system awaken me to the opportunities that were placed in front of me to move forward and make the necessary changes to my familiarity.  The changes came about, some I was responsible for and some the Universe, God, or Divine Source seemed to have a hand in.  I am committing my life to the service of holistic healing, this is my calling this is what feels natural to me.  For so long I thought people would think I'm a quack, I ignored my calling and tried to fit into a world or society that would approve of me only to find myself in darkness, in the absence of light.  My spirit would be reduced to a flickering light.  Courage to make changes has brought me to where I am today.  Faith is what keeps me taking the next step and the next one after that, until change becomes transformation.

The biggest changes took place when Reiki came into my life it somehow moved the obstacles, or mental emotional luggage that kept me stuck going through the motions in life.  The more Reiki I learned and practiced the more I felt connected to something huge, I started to "see" through a new pair of eyes and feel with a refreshed heart.  Something was happening I started to feel like I had just come home, my senses became heightened, my awareness, and my perception changed and so did my outlook on life.  I started to realize that it's much easier to love things you have than to yearn for the things you imagine you need and don't have.  I realized I needed to be happy and love deeply.  Be happy and love deeply!


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